Reflex Therapy Treatment
In treatment, the client lies on the patented Mantis Plinth. (pictured) The Reflex Therapist sprays a light mist of oil to eliminate ‘drag’ on the skin before the handset is applied to the spine and sacro-iliac joints.
A general protocol is followed, using each mode and adjusting the speed and pressure to suit the needs of the individual patient.
To the experienced therapist, the handset acts as a ‘bionic hand’ through which it is possible to discern the problem areas. By relaxing the muscles, then stimulating their reflex response and then gently coaxing each joint uniformly, they are eased into their natural, proper position with no forceful manipulation. The sacro-iliac joints are also treated in conformity with the protocol, relieving the ‘pelvic tilt’ that exacerbates or causes pressure on the lumbar vertebrae and consequential low back pain.
These 30 minute sessions are scheduled in weekly increments to allow the body to adjust and for any resultant muscle soreness to pass before the next treatment. Most cases are resolved in 5 sessions initially, depending on the client’s age, activities, level of fitness and the duration and number of issues to be addressed. Follow up visits are recommended from time to time to maintain the integrity and flexibility of the spine.
(Note: the timing and duration of scoliosis sessions differ from those with more standard mechanical problems.)
Reflex Therapy is amazingly effective in treating mechanical problems of the spine from which the majority of adults suffer. The history of the conditions may have been long or relatively short; they may be cervical, thoracic, lumbar or pelvic, or all the aforementioned. While Reflex Therapy cannot correct congenital malformations of the spine, it may correct resultant problems, thus relieving stresses and reducing pain.
If the patient has no mechanical problems of the spine, Reflex Therapy will not create them. The treatment is non-invasive and requires no medications. Results include increased range of motion, pain reduction or elimination, greater flexibility and increased sense of well-being. After 13 plus years of use in England, Reflex Therapy has an excellent proven record and the influence continues to spread through Europe.